Pochodne 2,5-dimetoksyfenyloetyloaminy.
Więcej informacji: 2C-x w Narkopedii [H]yperreala
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DOSAGE: 20 - 35 mg.

DURATION: 18 - 30 h.

: (with 22 mg) I am completely functional, with writing and answering the telephone, but the coffee really tastes most strange. While the mental effects (to a ++ only) were dispersing, the body still had quite a bit of memory of the day. Sleep was fine, and desirable, in the early evening.

(with 32 mg) Superb material, to be classified as a 'true psychedelic' unless one is publishing, in which case it could be best described as an 'insight-enhancer' and obviously of potential value in psychotherapy (if one would wish to spend 30 hours in a therapy session!). I suppose it would be best to simply stick with the insight-enhancing and skip the psychotherapy. Just too, too long. There was not any particular visual impact, at least for me. The non-sexual and the anorexic aspects might indeed change, with increasing familiarity. Remains to be seen. The length of the experience is against its frequent use, of course, which is a pity, since this one is well worth investigating as often as possible.

(with 32 mg) There was, at the very beginning, a certain feeling of non-physical heat in the upper back which reminded me of the onset of various indoles, which this ain't. The energy tremor was quite strong throughout, but somehow the body was generally at ease.

(with 32 mg) At a plateau at two hours, with just a bit of tummy queasi-ness. And I am still at the plateau several hours later. Sleep finally at the 18th hour, but even after getting up and doing all kinds of things the next day, I was not completely baseline until that evening. And a couple of days more for what is certainly complete repair. That is a lot of mileage for a small am
ount of material.

z: PIHKAL http://www.erowid.org/library/books_onl ... l027.shtml
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