Więcej informacji: Arylcykloheksaminy w Narkopedii [H]yperreala
In our quest for the perfect MXE analogue, we are pleased to announce the release of another dissociative product, DMXE (deoxymethoxetamine, 3-Me-2’-oxo-PCE hydrochloride). This molecule is structurally very similar to MXE, with only the methoxy replaced with methyl (oxygen removed and hence the ‘deoxy’).
As with each iteration of our MXE analogues, we get closer and closer to the original. And whilst DMXE has it’s own unique and special flavour, it is extremely similar to MXE. As we demonstrated with 3-Me-PCP, the 3-MeO group can be substituted with methyl without loss of potency or significant alteration of pharmacological profile. We are pleased to see that the 2’-oxo compounds follow the same SAR, from the several we have synthesised, including DMXE.
I have just received my package of DMXE and will be sampling it in about one hour. I will post the trip report here in parts, as I experience the compound and dose up - as this compound was released just this week and little, if any, reports have been published for this substance.
Please feel free to drop your experiences, expectations and what not here in the meantime and respond to this post so you see when I post the report shortly. Glad to be of service lmfao.
Live Update Trip Report:
T-0:00 Allergy test of approximately 1mg - insufflation.
Currently clear minded, baseline, gf as trip sitter, Kratom and 10mg Dexedrine this morning but feeling normal now.
T-0:10 I feel some sensation of excitement and euphoria in my head/spine, likely placebo of course.
T-0:20 First dose of 10mg DMXE - insufflation is taken.
T-0:25 No noticable effects. I still feel some sensation of anticipation and excitement. Perhaps I feel some light, airy, wispy floating feeling in my head reminiscent of serotogenic drugs.
T-0:27 I feel calm. I have feel pretty overwhelmed today with my workload, first moment of feeling calm like this in awhile.
T-0:35 I feel some fairly consistent rushing euphoria in my head. It's coming from the back and sides. It's not overwhelming but it's still notable.
T-0:55 I have taken another 10mg but this time buccal/sublingually. So far, I feel rushing euphoria but not much disso effects.
T-1:00 pheww. Survived the first hour since allergy test. Well, now that we know this isn't ug dose sensitive material or anything, not that it was suspected but if it were MXE then the 21mg in my system should be quite enough to enjoy. I'm not there yet. I am going to keep dosing up until something interesting happens.
T-1:04 I have now boofed 20mg bringing my total dose up to 41mg.
T-1:15 I am underwhelmed so far, but have this sense of impending intoxication.. I feel as though I keep hitting threshold, feeling warm euphoria and a drunken buzz. I am not really having much of an experience so far, but as I'm typing I am being hit with some disassociative effects. Feeling heavier.
T-1:17 I don't usually use cannabis with a new compound report, but due to the lack of activity I will smoke a small amount of cannabis. I am packing one bowl, in a bubbler, of white widow 19% THC.
T-1:29 Okay holy fuck. I am feeling some disassociative effects. This may be weaker mg/mg as far as potency goes, it is definitely enjoyable, warm, airy, soft, less visual more physical at this dose range and I'm feeling really positive and content.
T-0 i honestly have no idea. Holy fuck this hit me like a dumptruck. I am enjoying this.
T-3:20 After smoking cannabis, I was hit pretty hard with dissasotive effects. I feel I dosed rather low and that this drug will likely follow a similar dosing profile as MXE. Currently debating doing one last 25mg dose.
T-3:35 I decided to do a final 30mg - insufflation. I have a cannabis vape pen with rosin in it ready at my side. I have been watching my girlfriend watching the Sabrina remake tv show. It's nice laying here and feel the buzzing euphoria. I'm enjoying this part however I don't have much else to write up. I feel stoned, disassociation, a bit drunken, very clear minded for disso. I can relate it to ketamine-esque, but with a very interesting warmth that is unusual. A glowing flavor. I'm not sure how to describe this to be honest. It may come up better in hindsight.
T4:15 Warm, euphoria. Lovely. I will now smoke this Rosin (80% THC) and see if that makes it go boom.
T:8:15 It's nearly 2 am, 7.5 hours since allergy test and 5 and a bit hours since last dosing. I am still feeling quite a bit of the dissasotive effects. The peak of the high ends quickly with this substance (1-3 hours) but the after effects are LONG lasting. I wonder what a 50-75mg dose range would be like with this compound..... To boof or not to boof?
31 października 2020DelicSajko pisze: Chuja warty. Gość na kratomie i Dexedrine wali DMXE I przypala to koncentratami THC.
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