Inne substancje wykazujące działanie na układ katecholaminowy.
Więcej informacji: Stymulanty w Narkopedii [H]yperreala
Posty: 5 • Strona 1 z 1
  • 80 / / 0
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Zaliczana do grupy amfetamin, analog 2-AI. Nowość na rynku RC, jestem ciekawy czy ktoś na hajpie już testował ;]
Ostatnio zmieniony 06 sierpnia 2013 przez surveilled, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
Powód: dodano sttukturę i nazwę systematyczną
  • 61 / 1 / 0
70zł/g czy ta cena idzie w parze z frajdą?

04 wrz 2013, 13:37

Wklejam TR tego specyfiku z angielskiego forum, jakby ktoś mógł chociaż streścić to w języku polskim byłbym wdzięczny.
Ordered a g of this from Buckled Bonzai ordered Wednesday arrived Thursday (used the free postage option cos im tight!) So thumbup for that BB.

So Mr Blod and I after some consultation decided given my stupid tolerances and his non existent ones that he would start with 100mg and me 200mg.

An hour in I am feeling zero Mr Blod has the slight chatters. Its definitely got the stim rush to the loo effect but i'm sure part of this is psychological with swallowing a gel cap! As an hour as passed we decide a small top up to see if it pushed it along. 100mg more each, Mr Blods heart rate is definitely up but at a comfortable level, both have some pupil dilation but it disappears as soon as we get into any decent source of light. Both getting slight tingly skin and some spine tingles, Mr Blod says he feels a bit spacey but on a scale of 1-10 He is maybe at a 3 as far as it goes and i'm at a 1.
Pretty much for the first 4 hours Mr Blod did feel very sicky though so have your ginger on hand it totally de focused him as he was complaining of a churning stomach, cast iron guts Blod didn't have that but certainly was a familiar slightly feeling i usually associate with a serotonin release. I probably just handle it a wee bit better being a woman and all that!

I'm not going to write this off completely for a couple of reasons. I think it would be much better in a social setting, I think its fine combined with alcohol. We had a pleasant evening chatting and it had a bit of horn too without making everyone barf there was a resolution in a bit of sexy time and certainly no stim dick excited

I also think we were more under the influence than we realised as I defintely feel like I have a chem hangover this morning and a raging thirst that nothing is quenching, although we did drink a beer each and a bottle of wine between us probably a bit dehydrated from the alcohol as well. Went to bed around 1.30 am after the original dose at 8.15pm and the second at around 9.30.

Its not going to blow your socks off and at £20 a g probably not the best priced (although the slayer code for 20% off bought it down to £16) I'd overall give it a 4 out of ten but i'm going to try what we have left next time we are out and about. One to have it the stash box I think!
Scalono. mrstothet.
  • 1857 / 64 / 80
Typ z tolerką przyjął łacznie 300mg p.o. typiara bez przyjęła tak samo 200mg, ładowało sie około 4h łącznie z dorzutką. Działanie ocenili na 4/10 wspominając że to nic specjalnego, dzień po mieli też zrzut.
Cena biorąc pod uwage to co teraz jest w sklepach powinna być pewnie ze 25-30zl/g.
  • 170 / / 0
Czego mozna sie po tym spodziewac?
"The future is not set. There is no fate but what we make for ourselves." -Terminator
  • 2428 / 83 / 0
Wyrzutów sumienia ,że poraz kolejny dało sie naciągnąć na jakieś mało znane i ledwo klepiące RC %-D
Uwaga! Użytkownik Modyfikowany Bigos jest zbanowany na hyperrealu. Nie odpowie na próbę kontaktu, ani nie przeczyta odpowiedzi na post.
Posty: 5 • Strona 1 z 1
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