Rozmowy na temat działania psychoaktywnego kannabinowego konopii.
Posty: 7 • Strona 1 z 1
  • 24 / / 0
Miałem dziś badanie EEG pod wpływem THC , moje pytanie brzmi czy baka będzie miała wpływ na badanie? licze na szybką odp. :moody:
  • 3309 / 20 / 0
  • 801 / 8 / 0 pisze:
EEG in Marijuana Abuse
Several lines of evidence suggest that cannabis (marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol—THC) may alter functionality of the prefrontal cortex and thereby elicit impairments across several domains of complex cognitive function (Egerton et al. 2006). Several studies in both humans and animals have shown that cannabinoid exposure results in alterations in prefrontal cortical activity (Block et al. 2002; O’Leary et al. 2002; Whitlow et al. 2002), providing evidence that cannabinoid administration may affect the functionality of this brain area. Despite the fact that a number of transient physiological, perceptual and cognitive effects are known to accompany acute chronic marijuana (THC) exposure in humans, persistent qEEG effects in humans resulting from continuing exposure to this drug have been difficult to demonstrate (Wert and Raulin 1986). In early reviews of EEG and ERP studies of acute and chronic THC exposure in humans (Struve et al. 1989, 1994), it was reported that significant associations between chronic exposure and clinically abnormal EEG patterns had not been demonstrated and that attempts to use visual EEG analyses to detect transient acute THC exposure induced EEG alterations failed to demonstrate consistent THC–EEG effects across studies.
Quantitative methods of analyzing EEG spectra from single posterior scalp derivations began to be applied to studies of acute THC exposure. These early studies reported that acute THC exposure produced transient increases in either posterior alpha power, decreases in mean alpha frequency or increases in alpha synchrony (Fink et al. 1976; Struve et al. 1989; Tassinari et al. 1976; Volavka et al. 1971, 1973). These studies found that THC produced a transient dose-dependent rapid onset: (1) increase in relative power (amount, abundance) of alpha; (2) decrease in alpha frequency; and (3) decrease in relative power of beta as measured from posterior scalp electrodes.
Later studies of Struve et al. (1998, 1999, 2003) demonstrated and replicated a significant association between chronic marijuana use and topographic qEEG patterns of persistent “alpha hyperfrontality” (i.e., elevations of alpha absolute power, relative power, and interhemispheric coherence over frontal cortex) as well as reductions of alpha mean frequency. These findings from chronic users are consistent with both non-topographic (Hockman et al. 1971; Tassinari et al. 1976; Volavka et al. 1973) and topographic (Lukas et al. 1995; Struve et al. 1994) transient EEG effects of acute THC administration. Therefore, chronic daily THC use was found to be associated with distinct topographic qEEG features. Compared with non-users, THC users had significant elevations of absolute and relative power, and interhemispheric coherence of alpha activity over the bilateral frontal cortex (referred to as “alpha hyperfrontality”). A second finding was that the voltage (not relative power or coherence) of all non-alpha frequency bands was significantly elevated in THC users, although the voltage increase was generalized and not frontally dominant. A third finding involved a widespread decrease in the relative power of delta and beta activity for cannabis users, particularly over the frontal cortical regions. A fourth finding was that interhemispheric coherence of theta and possibly delta activity was also significantly elevated over frontal cortex for marijuana users. Because most studies included daily THC users and non-users drawn from an inpatient psychiatric population, the effects of psychiatric diagnoses or medication were not controlled.
Thus, qEEG studies on acute THC exposure reported a transient dose-dependent increase in relative power of alpha, decrease in alpha frequency, and decrease in relative power of beta at posterior EEG recording sites. Chronic marijuana abuse is known to result in a number of physiological, perceptual and cognitive effects, but persistent qEEG effects from continuing exposure to THC have been difficult to demonstrate. However, recent studies of Struve and his colleagues have demonstrated a significant association between chronic marijuana use and topographic qEEG patterns of persistent elevations of alpha absolute power, relative power, and interhemispheric coherence over frontal cortex, as well as reductions of alpha mean frequency. Another important qEEG finding was the elevated voltage of all non-alpha bands in THC users. A third qEEG finding involved a widespread decrease in the relative power of delta and beta activity over the frontal cortical regions in marijuana users.
TL;DR pisze:
There is continued interest in the effects of marijuana on EEG. Struve et al. (126) reported that THC caused an increase in absolute power of all frequencies over all cortical areas. They also reported that THC produced significant elevations in absolute alpha power, relative alpha power and interhemispheric alpha coherence over frontal and frontal-central areas in chronic users (125). They referred to this phenomenon as alpha hyperfrontality.
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(126) - ... 8179aa813b
Ostatnio zmieniony 08 marca 2012 przez Ramowy, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
Nie bierz RC. Spróbuj konopi! Prof. neurofarmakolog Jerzy Vetulani rekomenduje profilaktycznie na osteoporozę.
Lekarze od tysięcy lat propagują cannabis, już 5000 lat temu na Kujawach palono ziele.

  • 24 / / 0
jeżeli tak to jak wpłynie na wynkiki? mam epilepsje dlatego mam co jakiś czas EEG i teraz boje sie ze wyjda zle i baba mnie gdzieś zamknie ; )
  • 791 / 7 / 0
kannabinoidy zwiekszaja aktywnosc fal theta w placie czolowym a takze zwiekszaja spojnosc fal alpha miedzy polkulami mozgowymi, rowniez w placie czolowym
wspanialy miales pomysl pojsc na takie badanie zjarany - na pocieszenie dodam iz zapewne nic zlego z tego nie wyniknie
Ostatnio zmieniony 12 marca 2012 przez Oltun, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
Knowledge itself is power, for wisely used knowledge is the most lethal of weapons
So as the shots sing out like a piper, everyones scared of the neighbourhood sniper!
  • 335 / 1 / 0
Ile nie palić przed badaniem?
Zycie mnie nauczyło najbardziej jednego. Nie przysięgaj Bogu czegoś czego nie zrealizujesz. Lepiej milcz.
  • 801 / 8 / 0
5 godzin? Idź na trzeźwo...
Nie bierz RC. Spróbuj konopi! Prof. neurofarmakolog Jerzy Vetulani rekomenduje profilaktycznie na osteoporozę.
Lekarze od tysięcy lat propagują cannabis, już 5000 lat temu na Kujawach palono ziele.

Posty: 7 • Strona 1 z 1
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